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What we did

The glass display walls form a T shape. The long wall measuring 3015mm long by 1980mm high by 368mm thick and the end wall measuring 1876mm long by 1980mm high by 368mm thick. These walls and shelving were created using bonded 10mm thick toughened, low-iron glass, polished-all-round.

The door (900 x 2307mm) and side panel (394 x 2314mm) were created from 10mm toughened, low-iron glass. Both were polished-all-round and a CNC cut-out was created in the base of the side panel to allow for the skirting board. The glass door handles were created from 30mm thick glass rod, cut and polished all over.

In the spas `Robe Lounge` restaurant area, Daedalian Glass Studios created a pair of kiln-formed, low-Iron glass partition screens. These measured 897mm x 2390mm and were fixed by inserting into 30mm slots in the ceiling and fitting to 150mm high, stainless steel plinths.