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What we did

Design Stage
  • The development of original concept drawings supplied by Egyptian Architectural Practice, Design and Build.
  • Design changes included the scale of the design, the production techniques to be utilised during manufacture, and the addition of multiple design layers.
  • The creation of multiple half-height mock-up wall sections featuring various design options for initial consideration.
  • The creation of a full-height mock-up wall section for final approval.
  • Manufacturing Stage
  • The manufacture of over 1200 individual glass pieces.
  • Each piece of glass was water-jet cut to create precise shapes, slumped in the kiln, sandblasted to create a decorative front face, and silvered.
  • Part-assembly of the Majlis wall in our studios, creating sectional blocks that would allow for an efficient installation stage.
  • The design and manufacturing stages took over a year from project start to their completion.
  • Installation Stage
  • The glass sections and all materials required for installation were safely packed and freighted to Saudi Arabia ahead of our team.
  • A team of three from Daedalian Glass Studios was supplemented by a team of local contractors (supplied by Gallery Design) to install the Majlis Wall.
  • Project details