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19 June 2015

Sandblasting – Mirfield Abbey Project

You may or may not have seen our earlier blog post about the project we’re currently working on at Mirfield Abbey in Yorkshire. If you haven’t seen the first blog post and read about the work that we’ve done so far along with the artist who we’re working with on this project then check out the post.

We have more news from the project at Mirfield Abbey. We’ve progressed well with the project so here’s some more info for you.

The Progress
We’re making good progress on the sandblasting, the images below show the first two panels of screen A. The design has been layered for sandblasting onto both faces of the glass creating a multi tonal three dimensional image. For these two panels the sandblasting is complete. We’ve built a framework in our polishing studio against the external windows, the final part is the hand and acid etching which will enhance the detail.

We’ve made more progress with this project and we’re now moving along nicely with the hand etching, which you can see find out more about here.

Mirfield Abbey Sandblasting 1
Mirfield Abbey Sandblasting 1
Mirfield Abbey Sandblasting 2
Mirfield Abbey Sandblasting 2
Mirfield Abbey 3
Mirfield Abbey 3